In any business, data is essential to making informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing efforts. By understanding which marketing channels are most effective at reaching your target market, you can create a more efficient and cost-effective marketing strategy.

Additionally, data can help open up new audiences that you otherwise would not have had the capacity to communicate with. It will help you track your marketing progress and measure your return on investment. By leveraging data, you can ensure that your marketing strategy is more successful and hopefully secure more sales opportunities.

How data can help you plan your marketing strategy

In order to create an effective marketing strategy, you need to have a clear understanding of  who your target audience is and what they want. You also need to know what kind of message will resonate with them. Data can help you gain this understanding by providing insights into who your target audience is, what they are interested in, and how they prefer to receive information. It can be as simple as targeting a specific age or gender, but you should always know who your target audience is when acquiring marketing data.

With this knowledge, you can develop a marketing strategy that is more likely to reach and engage your target audience, which can lead to more sales and conversions.

Without data, you’re flying blind. Sure, you might have a hunch that certain marketing activities are working, but you won’t know for sure unless you measure the results. Data gives you the ability to track your performance over time and make adjustments as needed, based on your audience you are targeting.

If you want to be successful with your marketing efforts, it’s important to purchase or collect marketing data and use it to influence your decisions. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

1. Know Your Goal

Before you start collecting marketing data, it’s important to know what you want to achieve with your marketing strategy. What are your business objectives? What does success look like to you? The answers to these questions are gathered from the right analytics tools. Quester, gives you this ability to target a preferred consumer audience, select a desired campaign type and download Australian marketing data lists in minutes. You can get this head start instantly.

2. Measure Your Results

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of launching a fresh marketing campaign, but it’s important to track your results even if it’s just for a brief period of time. Small (put your toe in the water) steps, should be launched first.

3. Compare Results and Adjust

Based on the results of your marketing campaign, you may want to make some adjustments. If your company is seeing increased sales thanks to a new online product launch, you may want to invest or direct more money into online advertising in the future.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to Make More Adjustments

After making a few adjustments based on the results of your marketing campaign, you should measure your results again. Continue to repeat these steps as needed until you achieve the goals that you set out in step 1.

The benefits of using data in marketing:

There are many benefits to using data in marketing. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that data can help you target your marketing efforts more effectively and very quickly. By understanding who your customers are and what they want, you can more easily create content and campaigns that will resonate with the right data audience, not the audience unlikely to be interested in your products or services..

In addition to helping you target your marketing more effectively, data can also help you track the results of your efforts. This information can be used to fine-tune your approach, ensuring that you are getting the most out of your marketing budget.

Finally, data can help you build new audience relationships that you may never know had existed earlier. Sometimes, data helps uncover new geographical hot-spot clusters, based on new consumer demographics.

How to use data to create a marketing strategy:

In order to create an effective marketing strategy, businesses need to make use of data in order to understand their target audience. This data can be gathered through market research, surveys, customer feedback, and other methods. Once businesses have a good understanding of who their target audience is, they can then create a marketing strategy that is tailored to that audience and purchase more of this targeted data when needed.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when using data to create a marketing strategy is to ensure that the data is accurate and up to date. Additionally, businesses need to be sure that they are looking at the right data in order to make the best decisions for their company. For example, if a business is selling products online, they will need to look at data related to web traffic and online sales. If a business is looking to grow their customer base, they may choose to use, Quester to acquire new or additional top-up data. Quester offers the perfect solution and the ability to target your audience both geographically and demographically anywhere in Australia. With our innovative technology, you can laser-focus your marketing efforts for maximum impact and conversions on your preferred targeted audience.

Zero in on your desired audience by efficiently targeting a preferred age, gender, or wealth group. Discover how to quickly and easily create an audience that is primed for your products or services. Target homeowners, renters and so much more quickly and easily with Quester.

The advantages of using data to plan your marketing strategy:

When it comes to marketing, using data can be extremely helpful in creating a strategy that will actually work. Too often, businesses make decisions based on gut feeling or personal preference instead of what the data says would be most effective. As a result, they end up wasting time and money on marketing tactics that don’t produce results.

Marketing data can help you determine which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience, what type of content is most likely to resonate with them, and when is the best time to reach them. Without marketing data, it’s all too easy to make assumptions about your customers that may not be accurate, and as a result, your marketing efforts will miss the mark.

Additionally, data can help you track progress and measure results so you can see what’s working and what isn’t.

The disadvantages of not using data in marketing:

Not using data in marketing can be detrimental to a company for a few reasons.

First, without data, it’s difficult to track what marketing strategies are working and which ones aren’t. This makes it hard to know where to allocate resources and how to improve campaigns.

Additionally, data can help identify opportunities that the company may not have been aware of otherwise. What gender is purchasing our products? What is their average age? What is their income or education levels? All of these data insights have impact.

Finally, using data allows for more targeted marketing, which leads to better conversion results.


As your business grows, you’ll need to rely on data to help you make strategic marketing decisions. Data can help you understand your target audience, track your marketing performance, and make adjustments to improve your results.

To get started, consider using Quester to gather insights about your customers. Once you have a good understanding of your data, you can start planning your marketing strategy.

Here are a few tips for using data to plan your marketing strategy:

1. Set realistic goals based on your target audience and budget.

2. Experiment with different marketing channels and tactics to see what works best for your business.

3. Use data-driven decision making to constantly optimize and improve your results.

4. Continually track your performance to identify new opportunities. This will help you maximize your return on investment (ROI). If you want to learn more about how Quester can help you identify your marketing data and make better marketing decisions, contact us today to request a demonstration or to find out more information.

Deep Learning is changing our awareness on the way we view all kinds of data. Many are excited about artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning at the moment. Amazing opportunities exist for those that are searching for products that will increase their ROI on data performance.

It has been predicted by many that during 2018, many deep learning tools and algorithms will be available within standard software products. As such, Global Data, will introduce the first set of standard tools inside its Quester Marketing Platform in the next 30 days. Some of these features will also migrate across to its other platform, Caspar.

On February, 2016, we indicated that our Quester Marketing platform will become interactive (see The need for these changes is evident as technology propels forward with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning capabilities. It is expected that software solutions be able to do more these days to take out the “heavy lifting.” Bigdata can often be difficult to dissect, but with Quester, it will be made easier

In order leverage the best consumer data across Australia, we need to be able to understand our existing consumer audience. What better way than to have Quester analyse your data files and in minutes build you marketing queries to extract more B2C data of the same kind, that is proving successful. Quester will report who is your audience, where they located and in “lay man’s terms” find you more without effort!

Questers new analytical engine, powered by its internal data universe “Pango” will learn how your data is performing and store the algorithmic information for you, for all your future campaigning, thus meaning you do not have to work out where your audience is located within Australia.

The new Quester upgrade will contain powerful mapping and audience targeting tools that will blow the mind of any marketing expert wanting to find their consumer audience quickly and with extreme precision; all online and within minutes!

In an age where scientists are trying to predict earthquakes and understand illnesses such as cancer, machine learning software will drive 2018 and the next decade. Many schools and those in the education fraternity have begun catering for this by introducing workshops and courses. “Exciting times.”

For more information on the new Quester Marketing platform, feel free to contact our office on 03 9948 4089 and we will arrange access.

Whether it’s a product or a service, or an Online Platform into the market place, like our Quester Online Marketing Portal, there appears to be 2 very different points of view when it comes to delivering it to the market place.

Many believe in extensive product planning that lay out what the company intends to do going forward and attempt to foreshadow outcomes including, but not limited to, financial analysis that make a certain number of assumptions of how the market may react to their product or service. These assumptions often are made in a boardroom and over many hours, days and months of discussions.

Many others, including aggressive entrepreneurs, argue against this path saying “there is no point planning simply because we are unable to predict what the market wants with any degree of certainty. The speed of which the market changes as well makes it difficult to plan.” A view, we share here at Global Data, when we were developing and launching Quester.

It is said to create new products and services that the market highly desires, they say test the idea or the concept through Beta pre-releases or prototypes or by releasing a version of the product with just the ‘right amount’ of features. With Quester, we did exactly that. We released the product fairly “Raw”, with basic functionality, but enough to show the market place, what it was that Quester could actually deliver, with the knowledge, that the “Bells & Whistles” would be coming in due course, which are being seen at the moment by Quester users.

If the product or service doesn’t do as well as expected, companies have not wasted valuable time and money any further with the “Status Quo” of the development. Lessons are then learnt from the disappointment that can be analysed to ensure the same mistakes are not carried forward with future ideas or products and services.

In our opinion, neither is the only way or the right way. “There is merit in planning and anticipating what the market may want. However, planning need not devour whole development teams for lengthy or protracted periods.”  Plans should always be flexible and should direct companies or businesses through various challenges or obstacles. Assumptions made whilst planning can also be tested in market before any activity commences, but we do not have to “Live and Die” by our plans, or waste our entire Cash-Flow on product planning.

There is noteworthy merit in prototyping Beta pre-release products with minimum viable features to understand the opportunities for success. Anticipation about consumer problems and needs and how these can be solved will be gained through the process of “Trial & Error.” Customer feedback is usually attained instantly and opportunities to correct are present. As was the case with our product, Quester. It developed quicker with immediate customer feedback.

Many passionately adopt one method over the other. This, in our view is not good product development practice, as this means that good development learning tools are discarded when in fact, different product or service situations are required at different times.

Basically, doing a mixture of both is more effective, bearing in mind cash resources for prolonged planning can cause depletion of cash reserves and other issues of competitors capturing the market with a similar product and gaining a massive head start. We plan to a certain degree, but when a great deal of assumptions enter the boardroom, we immediately shift our development over to the test and trial path, to turn those assumptions into fact.

Stay tuned for more of our products being released shortly such as Caspar and our Quester Analytics Engine (QAE)

Since the inception of our Online Marketing Portal Quester, back in September 2015,  we have seen it undergo so many developments. Why so many modifications, inclusions or developments over 4 months? Put simply, we are listening to our clients as well as observing trends in “Big data” around the world as predicted by Data scientists. A little more on those predictions in a moment.

Quester, as consistently shown by us here at Global Data Pty Ltd has the ability to allow the customer to create a B2C Marketing list in minutes, targeting any location in Australia, a specific demographic audience and whether it’s a List Broker or Solar Energy client, we are assisting them all.

Data scientists are currently observing better use of data and data science by the government to further track people and detect fraud and terrorists. As we all often read, some say that “personal data” accumulation in some industries can be intrusive, whilst others believe it can be used to observe market trends, customer behavior / spending and pattern purchasing.

Further predictions on particular growth in real-time data analytics and increasing use of machine-learning algorithms;  the world of big data will focus more on smart data, regardless of size; Data will move from experimental to deployed technology in image recognition, language understanding, and exceed human performance in many areas. “Customer behavioral patterns” through interactive data portals are proving to be powerful for data suppliers and allowing for interaction between the data supplier and end user clients on the performance of data supplies.

Just as many marketers are now relying on Social Media trends to isolate and determine consumers spending habits, vacation habits and more, Big data is moving towards smart analytical data and that is where Quester will eventually end up. Customer engagement / interaction with Quester will be the first step towards this and our clients will begin to see these features over the next few months, as they have seen over the last 4 months…Stay tuned for more updates on Quester.

Over the past couple of months, we launched a new product called Quester Online. A marketing portal that currently provides Australian B2C data leads for end-user clients such as Charities; Franchisees; Mortgage Brokers; List Brokers; Finance companies and other related industries.

Since launch, we have prided ourselves on listening to our clients that came on board early and added some features that they wanted included, together with features we said and promised that were “coming soon.” So many new valuable features are now included on our Quester Marketing Portal and there are so many more to come.

We were told by so many not to launch this Consumer Data Portal. We were told it won’t succeed and that so many have tried and failed. The constant pessimistic comments that were bestowed upon us only made us more determined to prove that it could be done and would be done. “That’s exactly what we did.”

Now the funny part! Since launch, we are told that a few of our “so called” competitors now want to follow in our footsteps and launch one of their own. Instead of being pessimistic, we will say this….Do it and do it properly. Care about your clients; listen to them and guess what? Maybe you’ll see that it can actually succeed. By the way, we are all about Quality (of Data) not Quantity. Whilst we do boast a huge B2C database, we are primarily concerned about its quality first.

What are our clients saying? Well, after some initial teething problems in our Beta pre-release of the portal, they are simply astounded at how we listened and made the changes they wanted to see. The data quality is high, the User Interface of Quester is very friendly and explanatory, the Demographics are extremely useful for campaigning to target audiences, the searching filters make it easy to find the consumer they want and having access 24 hours a day 7 days a week has been of immense benefit to prepare marketing campaigns for the following week.

Yesterday, as part of a promise and commitment to our clients, in particular those Telemarketing clients, we integrated into Quester, Phone-line Connectivity checks, fully automated and performed instantly on downloading the data, as we did with the DNC (Do not call). This means that all of our data now comes with the guarantee of 99%+ connection rate. This commitment was something that was extremely important to us and we thank all of our customers that this morning, either called or emailed us saying “Thank you” Your appreciation was mind blowing and makes it worth while.

Stay tuned for more developments coming soon to Quester. We know that the biggest request we have had is for the inclusion of B2B Data. As promised, it will be coming soon in early 2016 with a whole lot more.

Finding your customers, when you want them and when you need them, has never been so easy. With Quester, you now have the ability to select a target audience, build your marketing list and download it to your computer in minutes, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Simply identify the category filters you wish to target, including the geographical area, the type of data you want, such as mobile phone numbers, landlines, age bands etc and our Online Portal will only deliver the exact audience you are targeting. This will ensure you are only downloading the data leads you actually need to start campaigning.

The Quester platform allows the user to first check how many records are available in the selected regions they are targeting thus enabling them to decide whether they need to market outside the region but in particular it allows the user to identify how large the campaign will be. As an example if you are targeting all males in a particular postcode, you may discover that in that particular postcode there may be more females. There are no charges for counts and you are even given an estimation of how many records are available to download.

Income demographics are now loaded on Quester online marketing. Search your Australian B2C consumer data with income bands and target your audience based on consumers income, together with other new demographic filters such as mortgage payers, renters, socio economic indicators and home-owner residency filters which determines length of time at address.

Marketing direct to consumers with these insights, helps with understanding whether your product or service is more likely to be suitable or not. We are constantly adding demographics and new filters to allow you to “drill down” specifically to the audience you are seeking.

Our free trial offer, gives you the ability to “test drive” our Consumer portal, receiving some free credit, you can download a small campaign and decide whether this product is for you. No obligation, no hidden agenda.

To get access, sign up to Quester and we will be in touch.

Finding your customers, when you want them and when you need them, has never been so easy. With Quester, you now have the ability to select a target audience, build your marketing list and download it to your computer in minutes, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. The marketing tool you have been waiting for.

Our Quester Online Marketing Portal can be accessed 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and only rests when you want it to. If you are running a busy telemarketing company, need leads for the next morning, you now have the option of downloading data minutes before your staff arrive. If you are running a company that requires data leads on weekends, Quester Online can be accessed anywhere at any time and provide you with that data leads you need at an instant.

Smarter marketing means Quester will keep a job history of all your data history and data counts. This means, if you were doing some marketing research in any particular region or counts on data available in those regions, these data counts are saved for you enabling you to then log back in at any time to convert that data count in to an actual order for download or when you are ready to campaign. Also in the job history are your previous job orders which can then be used to merge into any new data orders as an exclusion file. As an example, you may wish to campaign in the same area several months later and by merging in your previous order in Quester as an exclusion file, you will only get any new records we have added to the database or any that you did not previously download.