Australian Death Check: Verify Australian Death Records Instantly

The Australian Death Check is a data cleansing solution that is the only official source of national death data for Australia. This solution prevents Identity Fraud and sanitises your database by identifying deceased identities.

Identify & Remove Deceased Data

When a company relies on outdated customer information, the results can be catastrophic. Inaccurate data can severely damage your brand’s reputation, erode customer trust and result in financial losses. The Australian Death Check emerges as a critical solution to mitigate these risks. It is designed to enhance the precision of your customer databases by identifying and eliminating records of deceased individuals. In strict adherence to the Australian Privacy Act, our service ensures that your customer data remains current and secure.

Do not allow deceased data to compromise your brand’s integrity and financial stability. The Australian Death Check represents a strategic choice for maintaining data accuracy and shielding your business against avoidable vulnerabilities.


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compliant data

Data Compliance

Identifying deceased records helps ensure compliance with privacy laws. By accurately identifying and managing deceased records, your business demonstrates adherence to these legal requirements, thereby avoiding potential legal ramifications.

data accuracy

Data Accuracy

Accurate data minimises the chances of errors in customer interactions, such as dealing with bereaved families without knowledge. Being armed with the knowledge that a family member is deceased, builds trust and respect.

negative publicity

Data Trust

For families navigating the grieving process, receiving mail or marketing material addressed to a deceased loved one can reopen emotional wounds and contribute to negative experiences associated with your brand.

Protect Against Deceased Identity Fraud

Identities of deceased individuals are often targeted by criminal organisations to create fake accounts or fake I.D’s. These syndicates may use the identity of the deceased to conduct illegal business transactions, apply for credit accounts, mobile phone contracts and much more. This illegal activity can have serious consequences on the bereaved families, your business, but can be prevented with our Australian Death Check solution. This solution is not merely a tool for maintaining data accuracy; it is a critical component of a comprehensive strategy to combat identity fraud and protect both consumers and businesses from its consequential damages.

data accuracy

Elevate Data Accuracy

Elevate your business’s reputation and protect against fraud.

  • Cleanse your data in minutes.
  • Trusted as the single source of truth.
  • Access the latest government death data in Australia instantly.
  • Compliance with data protection laws and regulations.
  • No Storage of your customer data.
  • Secured systems with Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Scalable solutions that fit your business model.
feature benefits

Immediate Benefits

Global Data, with the Australian Death Check;

  • Improved data quality by regularly checking for deceased records, helping maintain the accuracy of customer data and avoiding embarrassing contact with deceased’s family.
  • Single and batch volume matches to streamline data processes. Update records quickly and efficiently.
  • Better marketing strategies by improving customer data, once deceased persons are flagged and removed.
  • Checking and flagging deceased records means that businesses can prevent fraudulent activities, such as identity theft, that may be committed using the identity of a deceased person.

How does it work?

Global Data is a ‘Government’ approved Data Service Broker for the Australian Death Check register.

approval process

Approval Process

As your trusted partner, we streamline the approval process, guiding you through the necessary paperwork to access this restricted and permissioned data. Being recognised and approved as a Data Service Broker for the official government death register guarantees reliability and trust in the data.

al time access

Online Real-Time Access

Experience the convenience and efficiency of our online search portal. After your use case is approved, you gain access to our secure and intuitive platform, enabling you to perform death check searches effortlessly. the system is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

single search

Single or Batch Search Modes

Our platform offers flexible and efficient death check searches through both one-to-one and bulk upload options, allowing you to select the search method that best suits your needs. Whether conducting individual searches or uploading in bulk, our system is tailored to support your preferred approach, ensuring access to the most accurate and current information in the most effective manner possible.


Data Knowledge

The awareness of whether customers are living or deceased is a critical element of business operations, primarily because it underpins the integrity of business processes and fosters trust among consumers.

Genealogy Research
risk assestment

Risk Assessment

Regularly checking for deceased records can help mitigate the risk of legal and financial repercussions and prevent harm to the business’s reputation. Identifying deceased records is part of managing risk.

Prevent Identity Fraud
Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention

Regularly monitoring for deceased records helps protect a business from fraud and identity theft. This proactive approach reduces the risk of financial and legal repercussions for both the business and its customers.

Clean Marketing Lists
enhanced reputation

Enhanced Reputation

By showing a commitment to privacy and data accuracy, a business can improve its reputation and differentiate itself from competitors. Upsetting bereaved families can cause privacy complaints.

What our customers say

Request a Demo
"Implementing this online death check solution has significantly changed our approach to investigating annuities fraud. By accurately identifying deceased persons within our database, we have achieved remarkable improvements in fraud detection. This tool is a must in our industry."

Life Insurance Client
Head of Fraud

"Before adopting Global Data’s online death check solution, we frequently faced the sensitive challenge of unintentionally contacting the families of deceased clients, a situation that led to numerous distressing experiences. Now, with this tool, we can proactively identify deceased individuals in our contacts early and prevent the unnecessary contact."

Credit & Collections Client
Chief Executive Officer

"For our trustee services, identifying deceased records and locating next of kin is crucial. Global Data’s service has been amazing, especially with its bulk upload feature. This functionality allows us to efficiently process thousands of records in minutes simultaneously, saving us considerable time and effort. The capability to handle large volumes of data with ease has been exceptionally beneficial for our operations."

Trustee Government Client
Head Trustee Estates

"As a large charity, we were increasingly confronted with negative public feedback due to inadvertently sending mail to deceased individuals. This not only caused distress among bereaved families but also damaged our brand's reputation. Since integrating Global Data’s solution, we've effectively eliminated this issue. The system is remarkably easy to use and resolved years of challenges in just minutes. Well done GD."

Major Charity Client
Head of Acquisitions


Australian Death Check is a leading product solution that specialises in

Genealogy Research

By using the Australian Death Check service, genealogists can quickly and easily identify deceased individuals and remove them from their research, or use their death information as a valuable reference tool.

Genealogy Research
Prevent Identity Fraud

Criminal organisations often target deceased individuals for fraudulent purposes, using their identities to apply for accounts, credit, mobile phone contracts and more. Our solution combats this fraud.

Prevent Identity Fraud
Clean Marketing Lists

Marketing lists are a crucial tool for businesses and they rely heavily on accurate customer data. However, when marketing lists are not properly maintained, inaccurate data can result in financial losses and damage to brand reputation by upsetting bereaved families.

Clean Marketing Lists

Looking for a specific feature? Ask us

0M+ Phone & Email Coverage
0M+ Adverse Court records
0M+ Social Media / Employment
0M+ Real Estate Records
0BN+ Australian Universe Total
0M+ Deceased Records
Our Data

Trusted & Compliant Data Solutions

We understand the critical importance of reliable and privacy compliant data. Our solutions offer access to an extensive collection of nearly 2 billion Australian consumer data points, ensuring our clients receive the most thorough, accurate, and trustworthy consumer information available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions about Australian Death Checks

Cleansing your customer information and identifying deceased persons, you will also protect your brand, improve customer experience and save money.
Are all data suppliers approved as Data Service Brokers by the official government registry?

Exercise caution with companies asserting they possess government-validated death data without appropriate approval. Only entities that have been rigorously audited and reviewed by the Australian Government Registry are legally authorised to resell the death check data service. To guarantee the legality and accuracy of your death data, trust exclusively in companies that have obtained approved access to the official government registry.

What is the difference between our death data to that of our competitors?

Many competitor systems rely on scraping public data records, often resulting in data that is inaccurate, incomplete, and lacks privacy compliance. In contrast, our Australian death data represents the national single source of truth, officially issued by Australian registries.

How far back does the Australian Death Check records go?

The death records start from 2000 onwards. Any deaths prior to 2000 are not currently recorded in the Australian Death System and you would need to revert to the National Archives.

What is the cost of accessing the Australian Death Check?

We provide a range of user subscriptions that are both cost-effective and suitable for businesses of all sizes. For a tailored plan or ad-hoc batch usage, please contact us.

Is the Australian Death Data guaranteed to be accurate?

Yes, as it is the single, official government source, provided by the Australian Coordinating Registry and updated in real-time.

Where can I access the Australian Death Check and is this data available via API?

The Australian Death Check is accessible to any client with approved access, serving as both a standalone search solution and an integrated feature within our Caspar Skiptracing solution and Insiight Data Enrichment platform. It is also available via API. For API documentation, please contact our office.

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We are an Australian RegTech provider, delivering top-tier data solutions tailored to the dynamic needs of modern businesses. Explore our secure and scalable products below, and learn how they enhance the quality and completeness of Australian Consumer data.

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Ready to see Australian Death Check in action?

"We need this service to identify deceased records for our Trustee services. It has been valuable having the bulk upload feature, as we are often uploading thousands of records at a given time. Really handy."

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