The Importance of Clean Marketing Lists

Clean marketing lists are essential for businesses to achieve a high return on investment from their marketing efforts. When marketing lists are not properly maintained, they can result in inaccurate data, leading to wasted marketing spend and potential damage to the brand reputation.

There is nothing worse than campaigning to the family of a known deceased person and addressing the deceased as if they are alive. It causes major stress and anxiety. Our Australian Death Check service will identify and remove known deceased persons, protect your brand, keep your privacy compliant and provide a high ROI on your marketing efforts.

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Better sales & marketing promotions

For the retail sector, having a clean marketing list is critical to ensure that promotions and offers are being sent to the right customers. Additionally, retailers can use this service to identify which customers are no longer active, providing them with an opportunity to remove inactive contacts from their database and focus on those that are most engaged.

Increase your marketing efficiency

In the sales and marketing sector, a clean marketing list is crucial to avoid wasting time and resources targeting customers who are no longer active, deceased or not interested in the product or service being offered. Removing deceased persons from all direct marketing campaigns will increase your marketing effectiveness, whilst preserving your brand and is a must for all businesses engaged in sales and marketing to consumers across Australia.

customer engagement

Why Some Customers are no Longer Engaging with your Business

In essence, when your customer data is outdated and you no longer receive responses from customers who previously interacted with your business, the reason could be that they have passed away.

Australian death check services
marketing strategy

Your Marketing Strategy Should Include Removal of Deceased Persons

  • Inaccurate data in your marketing lists can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities.
  • Failure to properly maintain your marketing lists can damage your brand reputation and lead to financial losses.
  • Deceased individuals on your marketing lists can result in insensitive and potentially damaging marketing messages being sent to their loved ones.
  • Removal of deceased individuals from your marketing lists ensures that your marketing efforts are focused on viable and potential customers.
  • Utilising a service like the Australian Death Check ensures compliance with privacy regulations and protects your business from potential penalties.
  • Keeping your marketing lists clean and accurate ensures that your business stays relevant and competitive in a constantly evolving marketplace.

What our customers say

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"Implementing this online death check solution has significantly changed our approach to investigating annuities fraud. By accurately identifying deceased persons within our database, we have achieved remarkable improvements in fraud detection. This tool is a must in our industry."

Life Insurance Client
Head of Fraud

"Before adopting Global Data’s online death check solution, we frequently faced the sensitive challenge of unintentionally contacting the families of deceased clients, a situation that led to numerous distressing experiences. Now, with this tool, we can proactively identify deceased individuals in our contacts early and prevent the unnecessary contact."

Credit & Collections Client
Chief Executive Officer

"For our trustee services, identifying deceased records and locating next of kin is crucial. Global Data’s service has been amazing, especially with its bulk upload feature. This functionality allows us to efficiently process thousands of records in minutes simultaneously, saving us considerable time and effort. The capability to handle large volumes of data with ease has been exceptionally beneficial for our operations."

Trustee Government Client
Head Trustee Estates

"As a large charity, we were increasingly confronted with negative public feedback due to inadvertently sending mail to deceased individuals. This not only caused distress among bereaved families but also damaged our brand's reputation. Since integrating Global Data’s solution, we've effectively eliminated this issue. The system is remarkably easy to use and resolved years of challenges in just minutes. Well done GD."

Major Charity Client
Head of Acquisitions

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Ready to see Australian Death Check in action?

"We need this service to identify deceased records for our Trustee services. It has been valuable having the bulk upload feature, as we are often uploading thousands of records at a given time. Really handy."

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Product Solutions

Our Products

For over a decade, we’ve been helping organisations overcome their data challenges, particularly when it comes to enhancing the strength and completeness of Australian Consumer data.



Effortlessly target your ideal consumer audience and launch your campaign with our user-friendly platform, where you can quickly and easily download Australian marketing lists in minutes.



With Caspar, tracking down missing debtors and persons of interest has never been easier. Easily uncover their contact information and reconnect with them in a snap.



Our self-service datawashing platform allows for the repair, validation and enrichment of outdated Australian Consumer data. Improve the quality of your data in minutes.



Stay compliant and secure with our comprehensive identity verification and risk assessment solution, featuring validation, verification and matching of various metrics.


ADC Death Check

Protect your business reputation with our Australian Death Check solution. Maintain data accuracy as required by law, improve customer experience, save money and fight fraud.

ADC Death Check


Easily integrate our reliable RESTful API into your software for seamless access to our extensive Australian Consumer Data Universe. Suitable for automating data processes for any industry.



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