Are you looking for ways to improve your marketing strategy? Do you want to take advantage of the power of data-driven insights? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll show you how to use data to supercharge your marketing efforts and get the most out of every campaign.

Understanding the Power of Data-Driven Marketing

Data-driven marketing is an effective way to better understand customer needs and preferences. By leveraging data to gain insights, you can tailor your marketing strategies to target specific audiences and create more effective campaigns.

Data-driven marketing can help you understand customer behaviour, identify trends, anticipate customer needs, and develop more effective messages. Additionally, it can help you identify target markets, adjust your campaigns according to customer feedback, and generate higher ROI from your campaigns.

The data available today provides invaluable insights that can help you create better messaging that resonates with potential customers, expand your reach, and increase conversions.

Gathering Data to Identify Opportunities

Data analysis is key to understanding consumers and what drives them. By collecting data from multiple sources, such as Quester, surveys, focus groups, market research, and analytics, businesses can identify opportunities and develop more effective marketing strategies.

For example, by gathering data about customers’ interests, needs, and preferences, businesses can create targeted campaigns to address those needs. Using predictive analytics, businesses can also identify potential target markets and analyse the effectiveness of their campaigns.

This data helps companies refine their marketing plans to gain a competitive edge. With the right data-driven insights, businesses can create more effective campaigns and identify new opportunities for growth.

Understand the Types of Data Available

Data is the lifeblood of any successful marketing strategy. It provides insights into how customers interact with your brand, what their preferences are, and what kind of messages will be effective. By understanding the types of data available, you can develop a comprehensive strategy that meets customer needs, identifies target markets, and mitigates risk.

There are several types of data that can be used to fuel your marketing strategy. This can include customer demographics, purchase histories, and market research. Demographics are important for understanding who your customers are and where they are located. Purchase histories provide insights into what kind of products or services they have purchased in the past, which can help you tailor your messages accordingly.

Market research is essential for gaining insights into customer opinions and for identifying new opportunities in the marketplace. Additionally, you can use consumer data to understand risk and to evaluate and mitigate it. By leveraging all these different sources of data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of who your customers are and what they want.

Select the Right Data Sources

When it comes to selecting the right data sources, it’s important to ensure that you’re accessing reliable, authentic data that is up to date. This means researching data sources and understanding what types of data they offer. It could be consumer data, customer feedback, market research, or any other type of relevant data. Once you know what type of data you need, you can begin to identify the best sources for this information.

These can include Quester, surveys, polls, focus groups, and more. Additionally, you should consider leveraging external sources such as the latest industry trends and reports to gain further insights.

By combining both external and internal intent data sources, sales and marketing teams can supercharge their lead generation strategy and gain an edge over the competition.

Using data to pinpoint target markets

Data-driven marketing is a powerful tool that can help you better understand your customers and target markets. By leveraging data, you can identify and segment potential customers, pinpoint their preferences, and create more personalized experiences.

This helps you build stronger relationships with your target markets and maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Data-driven marketing can help you meet your goals and objectives by providing the insight needed to make smart decisions.

Leveraging Consumer Data to Understand Risk

When it comes to understanding risk, leveraging consumer data is essential. By collecting data signals from various sources, including driving, purchase history, and behavioural data, you can gain a full 360-degree view of your customers.

This can help you identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities, tailor messages to your prospects based on their interests, and understand their risk profile.

Having this information at your fingertips can help you make informed decisions on which markets you should target, what kind of messaging will resonate with them, and what the potential risks are in any given situation.

With the right data in place, you can make informed decisions that will help take your marketing strategy to the next level.

Exploring the Benefits of Leveraging Consumer Data

The power of data-driven marketing is undeniable, and it’s becoming increasingly important for brands to leverage consumer data to better understand their customers and maximize their marketing efforts. But understanding the benefits of leveraging consumer data can be daunting.

Luckily, there are several key benefits to leveraging consumer data that can help you gain a competitive edge. By leveraging data, you can identify customer needs and target markets with greater accuracy, better understand risk and tailor your messages to the right people.

You can also clean, organize, and manage your data in order to maximize efficiency and gain real-time insights. Ultimately, leveraging consumer data can lead to more informed decisions, more successful campaigns, and increased profitability.

Using Data to Evaluate and Mitigate Risk

Using data to evaluate and mitigate risk is a key component of any marketing strategy. By collecting and analysing data, marketers can accurately assess potential risks and take steps to minimize them.

Additionally, with the right data in hand, marketers can evaluate risk and develop campaigns that maximize ROI while minimizing those potential risks.

Collecting and Analysing Data to Tailor Messages

Once you’ve identified the data sources to use for your marketing strategy, it’s time to start collecting and analysing that data. This is where analytics come in. Analytics helps you understand the behaviour of your target audience and how they interact with your brand. It can also provide insights into customer preferences, trends, and interests so you can tailor your messages accordingly.

With analytics, you can develop a deep understanding of your audience and create more effective campaigns. You can also use analytics to measure the success of each campaign, allowing you to optimize it for maximum impact.

Understand the data you have

Once you have identified the data sources you want to use, it’s time to understand what data you have and how to best utilise it. Collecting and analysing data is time consuming, so it’s important to make sure you are gathering the right information that will help you reach your goals.

Analysing data can give you a wealth of insights into your customers, their needs, and how they interact with your brand. You can use this information to tailor your messages and create campaigns that will resonate with them.

Once you have the data, clean and organize it so that it can be used efficiently. This will help ensure that all your customer interactions are tailored to their individual interests and needs.

Create Targeted Messages Based on Data Insights

The power of data is in its ability to provide insights into customer behaviour. Analysing this data can help you create targeted messages that will have a greater impact on your audience. With the right kind of data, you can get an understanding of how customers think and act so that you can craft messages that are personalized and relevant to them.

By leveraging the power of data, businesses can unlock valuable insights about their target audiences, allowing them to create tailored messaging strategies that speak directly to their customers’ needs and interests.

Businesses use these kinds of messages to increase visibility, grow relationships with customers, and influence purchase decisions. With the right kind of data analysis, businesses can put together powerful campaigns that deliver results for their business goals.

How to Clean, Organize, and Manage Your Data

As important as it is to collect and analyses data, it’s equally important to make sure that the data you have is clean and organized. This is known as data washing. Data washing can help you identify any areas where the data may be incomplete or inaccurate, as well as any areas that need further analysis.

Once you have identified these areas, you can begin to organize your data for maximum efficiency. This could include grouping data into categories, creating a system for classifying data, or creating a searchable database like Caspar and Quester.

Organizing your data will not only help you gain insights from it faster and more accurately, but it will also make it easier to manage your data in real-time.

The importance of Data washing

Data washing is a vital step in data management and is the key to ensuring that your data is clean, accurate, and up to date. It involves verifying, cleaning, and updating records to remove any obsolete or inaccurate information. Data washing can be done in a variety of ways, such as deleting old records or using data profiling to generate scoring models.

By embracing data washing, you can be proactive and ensure that the data that flows into your systems of records are accurate, reliable, and comprehensive. This process helps to improve the quality of your data which can lead to better insights into customer behaviour and better decision making.

Clean customer data also improves almost every aspect of your business, from being able to send targeted marketing emails or ads to tracking and managing non-marketing contacts. Therefore, it is essential to set up a data cleansing process to fix any data issues and keep your database lean and accessible.

Organising Your Data for Maximum Efficiency

Organising your data for maximum efficiency is essential in today’s digital world. To ensure that data is properly organised, it is important to remove any duplicates or irrelevant information.  

As mentioned previously, this process is referred to as data washing and can help you make the most of your data and keep it up to date while ensuring its accuracy.

Data washing involves identifying and removing inaccuracies or redundant records. It also involves processing changes that have occurred since the last update such as address updates, name changes. We also recommend conducting an Australian death check on records if needed.

By doing this, you can avoid sending out mailers to deceased persons or incorrectly addressed mailings which could lead to potential legal issues for your business.


In conclusion, using data to inform your marketing strategy can transform your business. It helps you find the right customers, target them with relevant messages and adjust strategies based on results. Data-driven decision making can save you time and money while improving your overall ROI. By keeping an eye on the key performance indicators, you can anticipate

The emergence of Covid-19 in our economy illustrated the importance of businesses maintaining a strong online presence. Data was no exception. Organisations across the world required data in a more efficient and voluminous way, and the ability to leverage online systems allowed them to achieve this.

Amid lockdowns and online meetings, companies began re-evaluating the ways in which they leveraged and strategically worked with data. Global companies that once worked in a live data (PII) environment began to request anonymised data sets & marketing companies shifted to a less intrusive method of contact, primarily making use of EDM & SMS campaigns. Overall, we realised that companies were seeking a more frictionless way to leverage distinct types of data, and for good reason. The traditional methods of accessing data became far too time consuming, costly and inefficient and companies were spending more time having the data delivered, than utilising it.

The introduction of the Global Data Portal centralised our data solutions and services. Aside from creating a more seamless UX, companies could now leverage several types of data with one single point of access. This simple adjustment made a world of difference for our client base and was our first initial step to creating a stronger online presence. The integration of our B2C marketingdata cleansingidentity verificationADC (Death Checks) and skip tracing platforms gave our clients the opportunity to access certain products that they may have otherwise never been exposed to. Prior to this development, each product was siloed and required a different login to access. Aside from the obvious cross selling pressure this placed on our Sales & Marketing team, we found that many of our products were “flying under the radar.” Additionally, companies accessing our systems found it increasingly difficult to access different data sets in a more time effective manner, and this hindered our overall agility.

If we learnt anything from the pandemic, it’s that data is going to play a key part in shaping the business world for many years to come. Whether companies are leveraging data for analytics, marketing, enrichment, profiling, verification or to simply aid in restructuring internal systems, companies will continue to use data to create better, safer and more efficient business decisions. For this reason alone, data suppliers must continue to expose companies to different and more unique data sets, but in a more accessible and user-friendly way.

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The way that technology can now analyse data, it is very important for those that require audience insights, namely marketing professionals, to obtain the maximum value out of big data universes. Understanding and unlocking hidden patterns can be a gold mine for future campaigns or when assessing an individual consumer’s spending habits.

Marketing professionals wanting to leverage high value data with insights need to understand how the data is composed and certainly its processes and then apply it when campaigning. Most consumers believe that they have been individually targeted and whether this is for product purchasing or other reasons, granular transparency is required. The key to successful marketing is understanding who your audience is and accessing high quality, insightful B2C data. Sales conversions usually follow.

For the consumer data to perform, especially where an audience is being targeted for marketing, the data must be enriched with insights and key pieces of information that enable one to correctly target who they wish to sell their products or services to. What use is there trying to sell something to individuals that cannot or will not purchase your products or services. A typical example is where a pool builder is canvassing his services to short term renters instead of home owners. Whether the enrichment is demographically based or not, data performance cannot be achieved unless some form of data enrichment is present.

Once you’ve located the correct consumers and via whatever digital channel or any other means you need to contact them, the consumer data must connect. Too often, we see data that has not been validated correctly and from phone numbers not being connected, emails bouncing or residential addresses not formatted correctly, the data simply does not connect, causing a poor conversion rate. Terrible and a marketer’s nightmare. Data suppliers can spin you any line of rubbish on what their data can offer, but the first thing some of theirs don’t do, is “connect”.

Simple analysis can be undertaken and at Global Data, we not only provide high quality B2C data, we also offer insightful, analytical services to identify good data from bad data. We help companies find out whether the data they have been purchasing is real or not real.

Companies should maintain consistent standards and at all times and be willing to try alternate data providers. A data provider you are not trialing, is a data source that you do not have at your disposal and limiting your organisations scope of success.

Get in touch with us and let us demonstrate how. Start marketing more effectively and unlock your data’s true potential.